We'd heard the rumours about the country being in lockdown, but with confused messages about essential work, shopping trips, outdoor exercise (one session per day - how would that be implemented/enforced, pray?) I just headed across to the allotment, with my black scarf pulled up over my nose. More to remind oncoming folk of the 2 m exclusion zone than to protect my airways....
After I'd arrived at the allotment I received a text message from telling me "Stay at home!". Hmm, do try to keep up, chaps. I mainly sowed several short rows of seeds, in case we get impeded from visiting the allotment it would mean at least something was coming up. (I am very cheered by the extraordinary proliferation of earthworms we're seeing this spring.) Mel hailed me from the cycle track - she was out for her daily constitutional. We spoke, from a hygienic distance, and I hurled a bag of purple sprouting over the fence to her.
When I did get home I found that there'd been an announcement from M.Gove to the effect that allotments are considered to be A Good Thing, so we can continue to visit and work on them. D and I will generally take turns as it not only provides a mile or so's walk each way but also gives us a break from each other!
I give you a cowslip, which doesn't care about any of this stuff and is just coming into flower. :-)
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