Prisoner 24601

By Alfin

Garden Not So Rosy

I'm programmed to get up early, even when not at work and this morning was no different.

Went for my permissible(?) 1-hour's walk at 7am and kept to the side streets. No-one was about, as it should be, but when I passed the local station (can't avoid it) I was shocked to see dozens of people on the platform and the car park filling up.

This isn't right. 

More investigation on the proposed 80% of wages for workers furloughed (me). Looks like it's gonna be a reimbursement scheme which will cause a lot of problems for cashflow.

A proud political statement that gave comfort but is in fact not quite as it seems.

Blip of flowers in our front garden from May last year. Peonies maybe? I dunno, but they are pretty and vibrant.

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