Arwyr ac arwresau
Arwyr ac arwresau ~ Heroes and heroines
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Doeddwn ni ddim wedi cael llawer o fwyd yn y tŷ - rydym yn tueddu prynu fe pan fyddwn ni ei angen. Dydyn ni ddim wedi bod prynu mewn panig chwaith. Gwnaethon ni wirio ein gorchymyn Tesco (yn ddyledus ddydd Gwener) ac roedd dim ond hanner ohono fe ar gael. Felly roedden ni'n pendroni pa mor hir yr oedd y bwyd yn mynd i bara. ...
Yn ffodus ein siop ecolegol leol 'Iechyd Da' wedi dechrau cynnig i ddod â bwyd i bobol. Gwnaethon ni tecstio ein harcheb yn y bore a gwnaethon nhw ddod â fe yn y nos. Gwasanaeth gwych. Roedd e'n ddiddorol i weld y dyn yn sefyll dau fetr i ffordd o'r tŷ tra gwnaethon ni casglu blwch o fwyd. Rhywbeth newydd i ni i weld. Roedden ni'n mor falch bod ein siop leol yn gallu cynnig gwasanaeth o'r fath.
Mae ein gwerthwr llysiau, Glyn, wedi dechrau grŵp cwsmeriaid ar Whatsapp i ddweud wrth bawb am adael eu basgedi wrth eu drws. Bydd e'n casglu'r basgedi, lenwi nhw, a'u dychwelyd i'r drws. Ni chaniateir neb ar y fan. Mae'n swnio doeth i mi.
Mae'n dda iawn i weld pobl yn newid eu busnesi i ymdopi gydag yr argyfwng. Byddwn ni eu cofio pan mae'r broblem wedi dod i ben.
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We didn't have much food in the house - we tend to buy it when we need it. We haven't been panic buying either. We checked our Tesco order (due on Friday) and only half of it was available. So we wondered how long the food would last...
Fortunately our local ecological shop 'Iechyd Da' has started offering to bring food to people. We texted our order in the morning and they brought it in at night. Great service. It was interesting to see the man standing two meters to a way from the house while we collected a box of food. Something new for us to see. We were so pleased that our local shop was able to offer such a service.
Our greengrocer Glyn has started a customer group on Whatsapp to tell everyone to leave their baskets at their door. He will collect the baskets, fill them, and return them to the door. No one is allowed on the van. Sounds wise to me.
It's really good to see people changing their businesses to cope with the crisis. We will remember them when the problem is over.
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