Lady Blackbird and Goldfinch!
12°C - Feels like 10°C - 7 mph WSW Wind Speed - 11 mph Gusts - Cloudy. Received e-mails from my Garage and Bank saying they were closing for at least three weeks from today. Also a mobile text from coronavirus alert to tell me to stay at home. Goodness knows where they got my mobile number from! Had to go to Lidls for food and milk - only about five other people there and all the shelves were well stocked. A funny experience on the way home - at each of the traffic lights the cars were keeping a good distance from each other - taking the two metre separation rule a bit far, I thought. Had an hour’s telephone consultation with my solicitor - that went a bit better than I anticipated - more to come though! Thank Goodness, the garden was as normal - plenty of birds all enjoying each others company.
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