
By snailspace

Bloomin' Lovely

Completely forgot to take any photos yesterday, possibly because it was not my turn to walk out with the dog.

I took the curtains down for washing and then cleaned the sitting room windows.

One of the things that I said that I was looking forward to whilst on lockdown was the flowering of the cherry trees across the road. Well, I did not have long to wait. After cleaning the widows yesterday I suddenly realised that the largest of the three trees across the road was bursting into bloom, at the top. 

Here it is today, seen through my clean windows.

There is a benefit to everything, even housework!

Today we went out to walk together for the first time in a week. We have a new movement form and it carries clearer rules regarding exercise. We can go out for an hour and it may be in the company of somebody from our own household.

It makes such a difference.

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