great night - all pretty settled. chocolate going down well, yaas. beefy was up and in the coop at 6.15am to get some stuff and try to avoid too many folk. doors, handles, packaging all cleaned and his clothes in the machine and him showered when he got back. can’t do more. we’ve got everything we need and I’ve got two shopping deliveries on order for a week, and three weeks time.

peggy’s enjoying the online learning in her jimjams, and daisy has submitted few pieces of coursework too. I sent 48 creme eggs to beth, who was delighted. jensen is getting everything they need from lidl but she seems a bit bored, poor thing. wish we could see least she has zephyr to keep her company when he’s not sleeping.

beefy assembled one of the new workbenches I bought today, they’re ace. I love our workshop, it’s going to be so ace.

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