In Prison - Day 3

Over on the Community Blog we used an image of my old cycling boots, with the title Backyard Blip: If these boots could talk!

I received a few nice comments about the shot so, since I am self-torturing at home for a few weeks, I thought I would Blip them again today and tell you what they would say if they really could speak....

Richard purchased us early in 1995 ready for his European cycle tour that began in April that year.
We helped him cycle more than 4,500 miles from Riplingham in Yorkshire across Belgium, France, Monaco, Italy, Spain and Portugal through torrential rain, crazy electrical storms, and 40°C heat.
Early on in the tour we completely fell apart and Richard had to buy Super Glue to stick us back together.
It's not surprising considering he wore us every day for six months whilst cycling for many hours every day or walking round stunning places such as Aix-en-Provence, Monte Carlo, Pisa, Florence, Siena, Nice, Arles, Figueres, Barcelona, Valencia, Tarifa, Cadiz, Jerez, and Lisbon.
We even pedalled into Venice. How many pairs of biking boots can claim that? 
We went to the Monaco and Portuguese Grand Prix.
And when the tour was over we went to Canada and cycled around Montreal for a few weeks....for a rest after the tour!
And then we retired, left in a cupboard, forgotten.
But Richard couldn't bring himself to throw us out...too many memories, too many miles pedalled and walked.
So now we sit in his backyard, gently decomposing.
Every time he sees us we know he remembers the good times we had together!

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