Clock tower

The usually very busy clock tower roundabout was very quiet this morning. Ok there was another sandstorm about but I think people are staying at home more.

Corona Virus News 
Bahrain records 83 positive cases
Batelco has made all educational sites free to use until end of March. This usage will not consume existing fixed home internet packages.
Rapid self testing kits will soon be made available.  Will be first country to obtain them
400 Bahraini workers quarantined after virus scare.   Six workers tested positive since a Bahraini employee in one of the showrooms of the company in Sehla was confirmed with infection two days ago
Indonesian capital closes schools for two weeks due to coronavirus concerns
New Zealand on Saturday announced the world's tightest border controls to combat the spread of coronavirus, requiring all incoming travellers, including its own citizens, to self-isolate for two weeks starting midnight Sunday.
In Australia, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 rose to 203 There have been three deaths

Saudi Arabia suspends international flights for two weeks
Trump declares coronavirus a national emergency, freeing $50 billion in funds
Trump extends travel ban to Britain, Ireland

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