Daily exercise

Lockdown Day 3

I got up at 6.30am and headed down to the beach as I thought it would be the best time to go for my daily exercise.  It was wonderful, hardly anyone around apart from those doing the same thing, either cycling, jogging or walking dogs, and everyone was keeping a safe distance.

I jogged/walked to Ovingdean and back, just over 3 miles in total and was back home by 8am, showered and ready for work at 9am.  

My first full day of working from home, and I have to say I enjoyed the peace and quiet it’s amazing how much you can get done with no interruptions.  I spoke to Nik and I could tell that he was anxious about the fact that Alan’s working from home too, due to patient confidentiality etc., but I reassured him that we’re working in separate rooms, and Alan won’t see anything I’m doing.

Work is noticeably quieter which is concerning, the phone hardly rang at all and some patients are having to cancel appointments due to finances so I think Nik is going to look at what he can do to help, obviously mental health is going to be a big problem over the coming months.

I hope everyone is well, stay safe x

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