
By Madchickenwoman

Chimney View

When my builder arrived this am he told me he was going to fit the cupboard doors after making them at home today then stop. He'd been listening to the news all weekend and didn't want to risk his family getting the virus nor passing it on to me. I asked him if he could contact the guy who collects all the rubbish - I have a sink, bricks and loads of rubbish bags in my back garden - not pretty! The Tiler came after he left and grouted the tiles, plastered the wall under the window sill and then went up on the roof to point the chimney - which is how I got this and these photos! I wanted to go up and see the view but they both said the ladders were incredibly upright and heights are not my strong point! 
I did my usual walk in the field with Ivy but decided I needed nothing from Tesco's so came straight home. Come 9 pm I heard the news about the lockdown! Having seen the people in London gathering in groups and my builder telling me about his mates who went for a bike ride on dartmoor and saw loads more people than they usually would, I think it's a good thing. It's going to be difficult for many but for myself and my sister it's pretty much our usual lifestyle! I see The Exile and Nellie of The woods mostly, and bump into other dog walkers, but thats pretty much it! Since my collapse on the allotment 4 years ago and subsequent physical and mental health issues I've been on a self imposed lockdown which only the builder, Tiler, Musician and Chimney man have broken these last two months! I also live by myself and have plenty of hobbies so apart from food shopping my life will be pretty much the same! I even have a kitchen! No cupboard doors, no shelving, no dishwasher nor hot water and  I can't move things back in - but all the essentials are in!
It will be interesting to see in the future once this virus has been eradicated how people forced to fall back on their own resources for entertainment will continue. Will they fall back into their old routines with glee or will they carry newly acquired skills, habits, outlooks with them? Apparently there is a 21/90 rule:-
One popular method to build habits is called the 21/90 rule. The rule is simple enough. Commit to a personal or professional goal for 21 straight days. After three weeks, the pursuit of that goal should have become a habit. Once you've established that habit, you continue to do it for another ninety days.
So we have the 21 days - I'm guessing the 90 other days may well be provided too. 

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