Day 9

Thursday 26 th March
Today a lady from the church we all know as Aunty was buried.I should have been doing the catering for the thanksgiving service . That will now be sometime in the future I guess if at all.. Aunty was 104 years old and had had Alzheimer’s for a number of years.
So today was one of quiet reflection..
After lunch I weeded around the pond area and laid a couple More slabs while Alan repaired the post on the house wall for the back gate. Ted managed to get into the pond so I had to find some fencing to bridge a gap. The fencing that was already there was just a bit short. And of course having done it once he kept doing it.
We had coffee in the garden around 10ish and I spotted the red kite again. No camera to hand. Chatted with my daughter who said today is her husbands lSt day of work for the duration and chatted again to my brother and sister in Spain. He feel much better today he said.
The flowers are marsh marigolds which I took for flower Friday as I was convinced today was Friday. I am losing he plot already.
I did start an exercise regime today, fast walk round the garden for 5 mins, squats and flexi- bar for 10 mins followed by both of us playing swing ball with borrowed bats. It was fun

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