Abstract Book
Its while since I’ve done one of these, An abstract 'inside' a frame. The original image (see extra) is the book I happen to be reading just now.
I’m still being inundated with Coronavirus jokes and videos. Good for keeping up the spirits, but there are also a few more serious ones arriving.
One a quote from Samuel Pepys Diaries – London 1664 - "On hearing ill rumour that Londoners may soon be urged into their lodgings by Her Majesty’s men, I looked upon the street to see a gaggle of striplings making fair merry, and no doubt spreading the plague well about. Not a care had these rogues for the health of their elders"
And this one – 'To put things into perspective for those of us feeling a bit stir crazy already. Anne Frank and 7 other people hid in a 450 sq ft attic for 761 days, quietly trying to remain undiscovered to stay alive. We can all do our part to keep everyone safe and spend a few weeks at home'.
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