Tidy Trainers

Ben decided to clean all his trainers today - in preparation for some re-painting whilst we're stuck at home.  He's been using his spare time very constructively so far, the X-box is only turned on at 5pm...

We're doing the maths and most of us have not been out of the house - (without social distancing) - since last Saturday as no more college for Sam since last Friday.  But Ben came back from St Albans with a tentative connection to a confirmed COVID-19 case on Sunday.  This means that in my head we need to get to the end of the weekend without symptoms to be sure that we've not got it from Ben.

My sister Rebecca works for the NHS as a Physiotherapist in a suburb of London, normally with children, but has now stopped seeing any external patients and will be re-deployed to help fight the pandemic.  I'm feeling very anxious for her and her family.

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