Lent 2020 day 30

Apologies for the lack of communication on here! Will hopefully have time to catch up soon - but seem to have been needing more sleep than usual lately!

’The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.’ (Psalm 24:1)

Andy Leste writes:
“When we think about the climate chaos that our world seems to be under, our first thoughts should rightly be about the injustices to those who are least able to adapt. From those living on farms in Bangladesh at constant risk of catastrophic flooding; through to indigenous communities in the Amazon impacted by an increasing number of droughts and fires.

But injustice goes beyond people, to the whole of creation. Through a focus on short-term gain as opposed to sustainability and harmony, Western society has transformed landscapes that used to be alive with insects and birds, wildflowers and trees, to places devoid of beauty and devoid of life.

As we have transformed the land we have increased the likelihood of climate disasters, which affect people in poverty the most.
For the sake of creation – of which we are a part – let us recommit to living in harmony with all living things.

As we consider the terrible impact our actions are having on people and on the wider planet, may we collectively work to find creative local solutions that can inspire and bring hope and change to our hurting world.

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