Bridlepath - in the opposite direction

I’m planning my walks carefully. I haven’t driven to a beauty spot of choice. I’m not being virtuous, I just hadn’t realised it was frowned upon, except if too many congregate. 

To ensure variety close to home,  I headed down to the Bridlepath, but turned left along to Woodhouses, the little hamlet that gave the route its name. 

It was cloudy when I set off, but the sun broke through and it was beautiful again. It may be the same area, but there is so much that changes. It was so quiet that lots of birds just ignored me. I remembered that, once after a snowfall, I’d headed down here with my camera, I’d been amazed when a fox ran over my boot. We were both a bit surprised if I remember....

My extra shows the spirit of my neighbours. Don’t forget to smile......

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