Salix repens argentea
Saw this shrub - a variety of willow with silvery coloured leaves - in Beth Chatto Garden in October last year - loved it, bought one. It has remained in a pot in the corner of the garden all winter, and only a couple of weeks did we get around to moving the red hot pokers in order to plant it into the bit of ground we had earmarked for it. It appears to be happy enough, and is now flowering nicely.
I had a bad night - silly worries about our veg box delivery (or rather, its absence). I spent a considerable portion of the night lying awake composing in my head polite but firm emails acknowledging the pressure the company are under, but asking them to improve their communication. The daft thing is that W has been communicating with them up to now, so actually I never intended to write an email, and I'm leaving it to him. It's not that important, and certainly not worth losing sleep over! There were plenty of veggies in the supermarket on Tuesday, and we have a local farm shop that is generally well stocked.
So I've had a very slow and inactive day.
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