Photo challenge

Friday 27th March 2020

I had originally planned to meet up with SueT123 for a photography day. We decided to keep it as best as we could so arranged a video call this morning for a chat. We then each threw down a photography challenge for the day. Actually, we ended up with a technical challenge each and then two photo challenges. Last time we met Sue lent me her D90 to try out and I hadn't got round to using it because of everything that's happened, so her challenge to me was to use it today. 

Our two photo challenges were
1) Nature from below
2) Off centre focus - bird

After our conversation I completed a webinar training session, where I realised that webinars are good because you can do the ironing at the same time!  I then had a zoom conversation with another friend. 

In the afternoon I went for a walk to take some provisions to a friend who is ill. I went cross country so avoided most people. I took the D90 and experimented on my way. I very quickly realised that I should have read the manual, I couldn't work out how to change the settings to what I wanted. 

I was disappointed with this shot at first. It had looked so good through the viewfinder but the nuthatch had come out in silhouette. However, I was very pleased with how it kept its quality when I processed it. I was also surprised at the shallow dof on the butterfly, lucky I got it all in the band! 

Sue and I have exchanged our photos on email and have booked another video call shortly. 

Thanks Sue, another good day even though it wasn't what we envisaged originally. 

Extras - my submission for "Nature from below" and also the Rainbow of Hope I saw in my kitchen this morning.

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