
By CalSillyFace

Week's end

And so a busy and productive week comes to an end. Work picking up with a particularly fascinating evaluation interview today and positive developments elsewhere - all that remains is the damned visa to make sure it all pans out as planned. S/he who journeys the gauntlet of Rwandese bureaucracy must be blessed with infinite patience and a readiness for the absurd.

Work followed by a trip to local brochette place Chez Papa Guinness, purveyors of the finest fish and goat brochettes in all the land. This in turn followed by a few games of pool and some chat at Zinc, followed by a Skype call with a gang of uni friends - many of whom I haven't seen or heard from for a while, which is a travesty. They are a wonderful gang indeed.

Photo was taken between dinner and pool as two kittens invaded the garden, followed by a rat going bananas in the drainage chute. Who needs to spend hundreds on seeing wildlife when it come to you in your own garden?

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