The end

Today I the annual reporting project has been done. It took three months, as it always does. Out of that the last four weeks working isolated at home.
I feel so happy and relaxed, that I think it is time to have a piccolo bottle of sweet strawberry wine!

It has been a sunny day. Some arranging in garden in the afternoon, not too warm though.

The Corona virus and epidemia is heading to Pirkanmaa region, where we live, they say. I wonder how this will end... or when?

My daughter did visit her brother in the evening and will stay the night there. I believe, it is as good as staying home. Hope so.


Ps. Amount of contaminations is now 1025. People keep still moving around. This is not China, but very free country - and people use that freedom...

... but Uusimaa -region, including Helsinki, is now isolated

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