My 100th stitch meditation!

Yes, I have made one hundred of these small 4" x 4" stitched pieces called Stitch Meditations. A very good habit / practice for right now during the corona virus time. Last October I learned about the stitch meditation practice through an article by Liz Kettle in Quilting Arts magazine. She has been doing this practice for years! The idea really pulled me in, working with fabric & stitching on small little fabric pieces. I started making them on October 11th, 2019. I made one every day when I first started, but recently see I have been making just 2 or 3 a week. Whatever works - keep your creativity humming! 

You can view a number of my blips about them here

My next step is to put these 100 stitch pieces together in a quilt like wall hanging :o). I look forward to the challenge and then I think I will continue on making some more :0). Stay safe, stay home. 

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