
By Cumbrialass

What day is it?

Warm and sunny. 
After the shock of so little on the shelves yesterday I went to the Co op earlier this morning. Got milk and bread and potatoes..and a bar of chocolate ( for emergencies ! )
We decided not to do the sea wall walk.. as too many are going that way and just walked through the nearby estate.. which has grass verges and space and was pleasant enough. 
At the corner of the road I say this cherry tree in full blossom. Hope the blip will do for Flower Friday.

Back home I had a virtual chat with friends about books they were reading but they all seemed rather highbrow and I'm in a need for something opposite.. perhaps re read on one of Terry Pratchett's books.  

Fletch has been looking rather grey..all those dusty tracks we've been walking along, so I decided he needed a bath He had his usual grumble when I picked him up but he's well behaved once in the bath and  allnow he's lovely and soft...and clean.

Tonight we were sat cocooned in our front room with Amazon Prime and some escapist boxed set to watch. We were good  tonight and didn't have wine despite the desire to have some. I'm trying to be sensible
Let Fletch out during the evening and it seemed much quieter than usual. 

Thank you for the stars  and comments.
Stay safe. Stay well XXX

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