Day 11: So much to do!

I didn't even get a blip up yesterday. I'm writing, moving photos off the laptop onto an external drive so the upgrade I'm being forced to make won't scramble them and lose all my folders; and of course, school with Bella. She loves Shel Silverstein's Mr. Grumbledump's Song, so we played with writing one of our own:

What’s wrong during Covid-19?
by Bella and Baba

Everything’s wrong!
I’m in the house
For days too long
Like a sleepy mouse.
These books are boring,
I’d rather read Spanish.
My dad keeps ignoring
My iPad time vanish.
My brother likes movies
With ninjas and fighting,
But I like the kind with
With fairies alighting.
I miss all my friends
And the games we play;
Instead I get yoga bends
With my parents each day.
I miss making Palmas
Flamenco style,
And I’d like to see Baba
A little while.
I could once be alone
In the house for a bit,
But now I must moan
And get over it.
The biggest frustration,
And this I feel:
Unicorns and mermaids
Are not real. 

Tonight Portland joined the rest of the world in making noise out our windows at 7pm to thank all the courageous medical people, grocery store clerks, pharmacy workers, letter carriers, and refuse removers who keep the world running while the rest of us hide out. It was a marvelous din: church bells, shouts, pans banging together, and even the dogs joined in by howling.

Tomorrow I should get my first grocery delivery. I've been googling it and discover that according to the New York Times, canned fruit and veg are often more nutritious than fresh. That's good to know in times like these. 

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