Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

Lockdown Day 4

Another cold, wet and misty one for my run this morning then it was back to continue the game testing - Cosmo and Blue joined me in the ‘Finance Team’ although they weren’t really much help. Everyone else enjoyed seeing them though.

The hens have started laying again, hurrah and not before time. They’re getting on a bit so not sure how reliable their eggs will be this year. Won’t be able to get more hens until the restrictions are lifted. Although I did flirt with the idea that getting new hens surely counts as going out to buy food...

Caught up with some of my uni friends in the evening - after two years of failing miserably to get us all together on the same night a global pandemic finally makes it possible. A good couple of hours of catching up - was great to see their lovely faces.

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