An orderly queue.

I should be used to queuing, having done an awful lot of it in Russia in 1989 and 1990. However, it was a very strange experience doing so in the U.K. yesterday.  I went to collect a prescription for a neighbour and was worried as I was the youngest person in the queue by about 15 years, and there were some nasty coughs.  I’ve volunteered to deliver to my village,  but the system wasn’t working properly, hence I imagine the queue. I had a good idea what the problem was, from the error message but unfortunately wasn’t able to sort it, as their IT is managed at a central location.  Frustrating.

Another friend I know from choir queued 2 hours for a prescription in Saffron Walden. I  think the longest I ever queued in Russia was 90 minutes. For washing powder. 

So I was apprehensive what today would bring, as had ordered bread from the local bakery in Newport.  This was the queue. 2 people allowed in at any one time, but 6 assistants behind the counter,  who were definitely not distancing!  My fellow queue member was very well behaved, and posed for his photo

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