
By SadlerStar

Balwen Flock

Our son has bought a tiny flock of Balwen rare breed sheep, They recently had some lambs. There are 4 lambs between the three sheep. So sweet as they gamble about. 
We passed his home to collect some much needed fresh eggs as the chickens are laying so many at the moment. Whilst there we took some photos of the new flock. The lambs are all feeding well but they are still wary of people and keep their distance at the moment. They are gold medal winners in the social distancing rules. A few more in extras. We have worked out how to send an air hug from two metres away to the children. Seems sad not to be able to hug your own family. But, we follow the rules.

Sad news on the virus, our numbers continued to rise. People don't listen and go to work even though feeling ill. Already people in the hospital here.

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