Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Is it the weekend already?

Poor Xena is still struggling with an upset tummy (I won't mention how long it took to clean up the kitchen this morning...) so I phoned the vet and thankfully they were open and doing telephone triage. As I have been giving Xena Pro-Kolin (the recommended probiotic for diarrhoea) and it has got worse the vet now prescribed an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory. We drove over the the vet, phoned when we arrived, paid by card over the phone and then the nurse left the medication outside the door for me to pick up. Xena is still quite cheerful and is eating, so we decided to take her for a shorter walk in the woods on our way back from the vet.

This is a view of the river that we passed on the way to the vet so we stopped, I jumped out and took a photo. The blue skies have now faded and I believe tomorrow, when the clocks go forward for British Summer Time, it will be a cold day with a high of about 7C - still like winter.

I am avoiding reading all the news and Coronavirus links people are sending me, it's all too depressing. In the UK 1019 people have died and it is rising in greater increments every day. I am concerned at how few are recorded as having recovered but possibly now that they starting to test, those numbers may change. The only positive news was that yesterday South Africa recorded that 2 people have died, and today that total has fallen to 1! It seems an error was made and one of the people who died had died for another reason and not due to Covid-19. 

We have decided to watch a movie together as  family tonight - we have hardly watched any movies or tapped into Netflix yet but tonight we are watching Knives Out.

So our new 'normal' continues - after working full long days from home, Gavin is now relaxing and busy teaching himself to play the piano via an app (actually he used to play as a child), Luke had a fun pub quiz evening last night with friends via Zoom, Adam has had fun writing a reply (not to be sent) to Bill Gates' message about 'what the Covid-19 virus is teaching  us' (he said his message was riddled with inaccuracies!) and I seem to be planning meal after meal... those that bought shares in Zoom are doing well, that sure is taking off in this lockdown period. Life sure is different at the moment.

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