
By dtaylor5632

Hard few days

It's been none stop at work. Our biggest fight hasn't been with Coronavirus but with our own management. Who seem determined to blame patients with Coronavirus symptoms on something else, a cold, just a cough. It's the problem with private care, even when our beds are nhs. Management think only in terms of the public image and company. They were actually mocking care assistants that had been sent home for having a cough. I bit my tongue but that'll come loose soon. We have virtually no PPE in our critical care unit, but 4 patients with symptoms. I spent Thursday being coughed in the face (not on purpose) by one patients who has dramatically gotten worse over the last few days. It's a day off for me but suffice to say I'm now groggy, coughing and breathless. I haven't moved from our spare bed much and keeping my contact with my daughter to a minimum. The face mask? I had to steal that from managers office when he had gone home.

A few days in bed and hopefully I'll be back tomorrow. Wish I could post another pic for today as my double headed daffs in the garden are a great pick me up.

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