"An arrangement of metal"
Our challenge, if we chose to take it, was to produce an image of an arrangement of metal. This was the first challenge for our photo group since the more stringent restrictions were applied in the UK. Today was the day to post.
I thought about it all week, but did not want to make the image until today so I could use it as my Blip too.
Any numismatists out there might be interested to identify some of the more unusual coins that came out of my piggy bank!
I planned a longer walk today. The forecast was for much colder weather, but dry. When I woke, it had been raining and the rain started again after breakfast. It was cold and windy. I stayed at home.
The rain kept stopping and starting all day, so I stayed put.
This afternoon Mum and I watched the play "Amsterdam" by Maya Arad Yasur, an Israeli playwright, translated by Eran Edry. It is on YouTube as a live streaming event.
I love going to the Orange Tree Theatre so I could imagine myself being in the audience.
There are four actors and someone is speaking nearly all the time (except after the word genocide). It's confusing that any one voice can be any character in the play, so you have to pay attention.
Reviews of this play have been very mixed and a lot of critics don't like the production. I think it is worth seeing. Critic Rosemary Waugh in The Stage ends with these words: Yasur’s writing raises many interesting points about contemporary Jewish and Israeli identity, immigration into the Netherlands, the weight of the recent past and, ultimately, who is (or isn’t) footing the bill for what went before.
The last point refers to a bill for gas from the 1940s which is delivered to the tenant in a property. It is enormous. Who should pay, since the flat was occupied by Nazis at the time the gas was used? The historic fact behind this is that 70% of Amsterdam's Jews did not return from the concentration camps, but those who did could receive bills that had accrued in their absence.
I have definitely Stayed Safe today and plan to Stay Safe tomorrow, hopefully by walking on my own.
My new debit card arrived this morning to great rejoicing in the household. My JLewis bill is now paid.
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