Poultry in Motion

A couple of weeks ago, back in the good old days, D arranged to pick up some ex battery hens as part of Poppy’s money raising venture for her Borneo trip. Little did we know how much the world was about to change or how precious eggs would suddenly become. Our 2 current hens have been pretty poor layers so we were relieved that we were still able to pick up the 6 new chickens today (all social distancing rules observed).
For battery hens, they’re actually in pretty good shape so fingers crossed we’ll soon have lots of fresh eggs.
In other news, I think I’ve mastered the very basic crochet stitch. I’ve attempted the next stage and ended up with a lump of mangled wool resembling something the cat had coughed up.
Highlight of the day, apart from new chickens is having pizzas delivered tonight from a new local business! Hurrah!

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