Hey there
It's been a varied day today. I lined up at the supermarket and managed to get TP. I feel less stressed now that I have it in the cupboard. I also managed some general cleaning products and the house has been cleaned today (mostly). I have then spent three hours doing some online CPD. The cut off for my professional association is 31/03/2020 and I have one more hour to do which I will do tomorrow and then I can tick that off the list. We are allowed to do more hours online than we normally would be allowed for obvious reasons.
The biter has mostly been good. I think she thought I was going to feed her here, hence the happy look. You can't quite see her adult teeth but two top incisors have come through and the bottom ones can be seen behind the baby teeth but are hidden by her tongue here.
I took the hounds for a short walk around the streets. There are lots of people out exercising and all keeping a proper distance which is good. I guess with the gyms closed they have to get out and walk, run or whatever.
Another busy week work wise. Fingers crossed there are no technology issues or I will be up sh*t creek!
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