My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

The Gingerbread Man

After a week of searching, with the aim of orientating them to the school, my Grade 1s found their elusive gingerbread man. Their excitement was delightful! We then went back to the canteen to bake a fresh batch for them to enjoy.

The heat has been unbearable this week and looks set to continue for a few days. We had some relief with a huge thunderstorm around 5:30pm. I just made it home in time after driving the last twenty minutes with an excrutiating toothache.

Painkillers soon sorted out the toothache. I wish sometimes it was that easy to sort out other problems.

"Be nice and smile to everyone you meet. you don't know what they are going through, and they may need that smile and treasure it."
~ Christine M. Huppert

My Joy Today:
~ The sounds of delighted grade 1s finding the gingerbread man.


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