Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


It seems the only shot I took today was to share my #quarantinemeal with family. Running low on easy things to make but I had some things in the freezer. Gluten free pizza bases (bought for a couple of quid to save the £6 delivery on my oat milk), some cheese that didn't really work and wouldn't form full curds so didn't get pressed, and left over brunch items from when Christmas brunch didn't happen.

Whilst a haggis, black pudding, and sad pepper pizza wouldn't have been my first choice, it was actually quite tasty.

I'm now allowed out of quarantine but being in a "vulnerable group" (I want a new word, I don't like vulnerable) and also not great at standing for very long periods of time, I was hesitant to join the queue to get in system at the supermarket. Popped to the local corner shop, it's small and they haven't put a customer restriction in place. Was able to get some fresh veg but whilst everyone was trying their best to be courteous it was an incredibly anxiety provoking experience.

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