Back Garden Stills 4, Aylesford

I've realised over the past week or so that running is fundamental to my well-being at the moment. Even if I can only go for half an hour or so I instantly feel better and my spirits are lifted. This morning it was cold and the wind has been gusty and bitter but after the first few steps it mattered less and less.
I've decided to only watch or read about the news twice a day - once in the morning and once the evening, otherwise I feel the sadness at the loss of life and the fear of what might be to come will overwhelm me. It still doesn't stop me thinking so often about the NHS staff coping with this nightmare and how stressful and heartbreaking it must be for them every day.
I've decided to read more books and catch up on programmes and series I may have missed the first time around. One of these series is My Grandparents' War - I've watched two so far, one with Helena Bonham-Carter and the other with Mark Rylance. Both have been beautifully put together documentaries full of emotion and fascinating detail.
The other programme I've really enjoyed is Pilgrimage : The Road to Instanbul. Some of the celebrities partaking in the journey are not my favourite people but I was so pleasantly surprised that they all turned out to be very thoughtful and engaging on their different stances on religion without it all turning into a shouting match or anyone being overbearing.
Today's shot was a bit of a metaphor about how I was feeling today.

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