Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB


I saw CroftCrafts Blip, I was having a Blipstruggling day, I went into the garage and photographed one of my toy boxes.  Thanks CC.

There is a story behind a lot of this junk.  15 years ago I was doing research for a friend who ran a Hong Kong model Company (Base Toys and Britbus).  Don was a lovely man and would send boxes of 'preproduction' models as little gifts.  Every couple of months I'd get a box of lorries and buses.  Many of them were models I'd suggested or researched.  Young Finn, my Australian Grandson had the best model collection in Sydney and used to fill his suitcase every visit!  Now our Yorkshire Grandchildren are the main benefactors.  Poor Don is no longer with us but he'd be happy to know how many children he made very happy.

Extras...   In a garage on the outskirts of Sydney...

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