
This Robin was in good voice today. The trees and bushes around the castle afford good protection for the birds.

Quite a cold and raw breeze today with the odd wintry shower thrown into the mix.

Still trying to have some projects to chip away at...largely decorating. It was definitely a day for indoor tasks. Exploring different ways I can keep in touch with my young men. It helps to see their faces and listen to their news rather than texting. 

Hoping I sleep better tonight as I had a disturbed nights sleep last night. Fresh air and a decent dog walk may help. Everyone being very thoughtful about social distancing. Richard read that self checkouts were worse than normal checkouts for harbouring germs. So we may revert to going through the attended checkout. It is the shopping that exposes us to the greatest risk despite hand washing etc. But no chance of an online delivery and click and collect would involve driving. Some local businesses will deliver so exploring those maybe the way to go.

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