
By dunkyc

Joe Wicks (sadist?)

The curtain belatedly falls on another calendar week as preparations of week 3 of working from home begin to form. 

The youngest are safely back with their mum this evening and I am feeling reflective, particularly after an extended COVID-19-friendly walk around Kendal, which itself was basking in unseasonably cold sunshine.

Our perpetual sleepy Sunday afternoon looks set to continue for at least another 11 weeks and goodness knows what awaits us on the other side of that, BUT as any seasoned anxiety survivor worth their salt will tell you, it’s all about being present and focussing on your actions (reactions?) in the here and now.

To this end, and in this moment of wanting to maintain my physical well-being, I responded to my son’s entreaties to give the Joe Wicks morning workout a go. I should have known this was a bad idea when my youngest declined to engage on the grounds that “it was silly”.

You know what? Having followed the instructions of this floppy-haired gazelle over the course of thirty extremely painful, sweaty and surprisingly dusty minutes of rolling around “crunching”, working on things called “quads” (nope, I dunno either) and knackering my back, I agreed with her. I am yet to see or feel the part where this is "good for me". 

This man is clearly a terrible person, fixated on achieving a live view rate of over 1m people for the sole purpose of systematically torturing them for his own gain and all from the luxury of his faux living room. 

Well, NOT THIS GUY! I’m onto you, Wicks…….

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