Sunny cool lovely day. Early morning trauma for me , first kill attempt ever from the dog and RIP to the baby bunny he caught. I put it out of its misery, then he played with it and promptly ate the whole thing in about 3 minutes - absolutely every part of it, just a few bits of fluff on the grass to mark the moment .
More positive is the internal fitting of the shed build, Hubs has built a potting table, draws and under counter cupboards, made shelves and storage hanging for tools all in one side . On the other will be storage for all the equine paraphernalia accrued or not in seasonal use and jars and jars of fermented stuff that is doing it’s thing .
Warm sunny eve at the stables , the young cows newly arrived are very shy but inquisitive , they also have mud dreadlocks hanging off them but I couldn’t capture the effect .
Netflix and Better Call Saul for tonight’s viewing .

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