Oh, What A Circus!

No, I'm not talking about the Govt. handling of the Coronavirus crisis...Though actually...NO!! Don't get me started!

This is a charity shop find a few months ago of a Beswick Circus design toast rack. I have no use for a toast rack, I just butter it and eat it, don't even bother with a plate most of the time! But I do like it, and it has now had a career-change to letter rack! I didn't buy it, I just mentioned to my Dad that I liked it when some Beswick ware was featured on Bargain hunt, and next time I went there, he gave it to me.

I've been over there today and it wasn't too bad! I did have a big shop to fetch for my Dad from the Co-op. I bought the wrong milk and got sent back to change it. We always have semi-skimmed and I forgot that they have full fat! I was surprised the Co-op let me change it to be honest. 

Home now thanks to Jae, and I enjoyed another episode of Hinterland - brilliant series!

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