Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Last night I took a huge dip, feeling really low  and plenty of tears. 

This morning I woke feeling the same. Numb, no energy. 
I had a 12pm phone appt with the psychiatrist. I am in the process of withdrawing of a tablet to change to another but she doesn't want to reduce again just now due to what's going on. 
Chatted about what I have been feeling etc. She says she won't see me for 3months as she doesn't know what is going to happen with her; they are being placed where they are needed most. Don't quite understand . 

This afternoon I had a video call with my psychotherapist. It was a good one, productive. I still feel as low as I did and still emotional. Overthinking lots. 

I had to go out for some  more of my medication. It's not all in yet, but I've got enough for a few days. I can't deal with this too. I walked a long way home , passing lots of blossom trees.

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