
By gfm

Happy Weeks

The Bug made this miniature greetings card for his school teacher today - 'happy weeks'. She sent the class a video of her reading a book to them today, and he seemed very pleased to see her, and watched it very cheerfully. He managed all his worksheets today, and we read more books, held a dance party, modelled with playdough, used magic pens, chalked the beginnings of a Lego road network, learned about the lemurs of Blairdrummond, made circular paper gliders, and (best of all) had an impromptu egg hunt with Auntie A, which was very well-received indeed.

I am very tired and anxious today. My limbs all feel heavy and I just feel hacked off. And I'm hacked off at myself for feeling hacked off, because it really isn't that bad, and in fact it it is very rewarding spending all this time with the kids. But it is very tiring trying to keep them entertained all the time, and in the same place. I'm going to put the tent up in the garden for a change of scene.

Scrambled eggs for lunch was nice. We've been laying off the eggs (as it were) because we've had trouble finding them.

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