First day of home-office. It confused my two furries a lot, and both went in and out of my little office-room at home pretty much the whole day. Around 2 pm they both were so exhausted - normally they sleep most of the time I am at work.
I had a video-call with my whole departement and Siri had of course walk right past the webcam and -distance-flirtet with 26 people :-)
Maud is a bit more careful. I am noticing a distancing from her the last week. Since January she has been the biggest cudlle bug - the moment I sat on the sofa she was there on my lap, demanded attention and strokes. The last week she did not come at all. She also plays less and seems irritated. I guess it is time for a haircut for her again.
We struggled a lot with her skin problems last year - the area of her lower back was full of fatty, thick dandruff that itches. She was and still is not able to reach it. We tried allergy-food, some ointment, parasite-treatment and some 4-week treatment with an anti-fungus-lotion. But nothing worked, so the last resort was taking a skin-biopsi and the vet found a bacterial infection. Which means Mauds FIV is more active than in Siri and weakens her immune-system a lot because a normal cats skin would not react to this infection.
We got antibiotics which we had to cut short after 6 days since Maud got bad stomach trouble. But the full cut of her fur for the biopsi helped a lot, and the end of medication (and the stress that she felt with that) helped a lot. I could see such a difference in her - she became the little energetic, active, attentionseeking weirdo I so fell in love with.
Now some three months later, her fur has grown back and I see a bit of the old dandruff back - luckily not the same amount that we had last year. I guess I book an appointment after Easter for her. Lars will be pleased - he calls her, very lovingly, PunkMaud.
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