Taith cerdded cyntaf

Taith cerdded cyntaf ~ First walk

{{Blipfoto thinks I've been here for 3650 photographs. They are counting photographs added before my real stat date. I'm actually at photo 3134 since I began. I added about 500 earlier photographs and it makes it look as if I've been around longer!}}

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Es i am dro am yr amser cyntaf ers y 18fed.  Roedd popeth yn edrych yn eithaf normal ac eithrio roedd mwy o bobol yn cerdded nag arfer, ac roedd paentiadau plant yn rhai o'r ffenestri gyda'r neges 'cadwch wenu'.  Mae'n ymddangos bod yr ymdeimlad 'ein bod ni i gyd yn hyn gyda'n gilydd' a dylen ni edrych am eich gilydd. Efallai bydd ysbryd cymdeithasol newydd ar ôl mae'r argyfwng wedi dod i ben.

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I went for a walk for the first time since the 18th. Everything looked pretty normal except there were more people walking than usual, and there were children's paintings in some of the windows with the message 'keep smiling'. There seems to be a sense that 'we're all in this together' and we should look out for each other. There may be a new social spirit after the crisis is over.

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