I really did not feel like doing anything today. Lockdown has truly gotten to me and I'm stuck in a "what's the point in trying" zone, especially after the announcement that the lockdown is likely to last a whole lot longer than 3 weeks.
As childish as it is, I just want to go outside and sit in a field again. Maybe go to Greenwich park and see the deer. I can't, and I won't though - the risk of contracting the 'rona considerably outweighs the temporary delight of deer.
I did go for my essential weekly shop - I still won't stockpile and unless the government feels like paying for it I don't plan on doing it. While walking to ASDA and back is hardly exciting, it's fresh air and a small change of scenery from my tiny bedroom.
Today's photo is Garlittle, I'm hoping he'll grow into a Garlot or a Garlarge! He's a wonderful accident, left in the fridge by a flatmate after they moved out and sprouting against all odds. I haven't been able to get any soil for him just yet but on my next trip to ASDA I've got a shopping list of things, including:
- Peaches of varying types
- A couple of pomegranates
- A bunch of apples
- Dirt
- Little compostable pots
I'm determined to grow an orchard from store fruit (eventually).
- 2
- 0
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