On my 4th bicycle ride I rode out to Duniway Elementary School in the privileged Eastmoreland neighborhood, where I taught children for 25 years. This historic school was named after Abigail Scott Duniway, a suffragette who labored for years to change the laws restricting women from voting in Oregon.
"In Idaho Territory in 1896, Duniway celebrated victory for woman suffrage. In Washington Territory, her early successes were overturned, although the State of Washington would give women the vote in 1910. In Oregon, which defeated woman suffrage more times than any other state, Duniway witnessed five losses—in 1884, 1900, 1906, 1908, and 1910—before Oregon women gained the ballot in 1912."
Given my political leanings, I enjoyed working in a school named after a suffragette and read her biography to my third grade students.
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