It's a mystery
but a beautiful one. This was a cutting from a salvia that Nicky was given by a friend that she had brought back from Spain, so unknown variety.
A quick back blip to yesterday, all the dashing around wore me out I reckon.
My morning when like this .... 8am pick up shopping list & bags, debit card & Coop card from Mum, pharmacy in Bovey Tracey. Sign on the door informing customers that the opening hours hare reduced to 10am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm, so I was way too early. The Coop next, not too many customers, many items not available that both Mum & I had on our lists. Chatted to Sheila one of the lovely ladies that work there. She was checking me through and we were discussing the situation. She had a young lady shout unrepeatable abuse at her last week but she was told she could only have 2 packs of multi pack crisps. Sheila made her look very foolish in front of the customers waiting to check through. Well done Sheila.! I should go to Tesco's I suppose but don't fancy the number of people, risk of infection, or queueing. None of which I had to do at the Coop. I wore disposable gloves, & respected the 2 metre spacing. Back to Bovey Tracey, at 9.50am the queue was already forming, I joined and was customer 6. The pharmacy opened at 10am, I got hubby's prescription ordered on line a week ago, 50 minutes later. I dropped Mum's shopping off, bumped into Leslie, a neighbour of Mum who's having treatment for Liver cancer, not sure that she should have been out & about, but she's looking a lot better. She told me that I had inspired & given her the determination to recover after recovering from my treatment. If I can inspire anyone that is fantastic.
Back home, early lunch as I was itching to get up on the plot .... I wanted to measure all the recently made beds so that I could plan my veggie sowing. First two were easy .. the potato beds. After that I gave up as my measure is minus the first 13inches, I don't need to stand there faffing about so abandoned that exercise. I'll bring a complete measure up from home tomorrow...Next job, I banked up the soil in the potato beds. Last year I found it difficult to bank up the potato plants once they came up through the soil, an allotment neighbour has banked up his beds before they sprout so I'm adopting the same method for mine. Beds banked and ready. Next job removing the Tower Hill Hump. The hump was about 15' x 1' x 1' deep, I'm not sure why it was in the middle of Plot 28B, but it has now been removed, the grass and perennial weeds dumped in the middle of the recently laid hedge. A very satisfying afternoons wor
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