
By JackyMT

Full at last

Went shopping today to Morrisons, got there at 10 to 9 only 4 waiting to go in so not long to wait. I took a big trolley and filled it. Guess what loo rolls a plenty, no pasta though and i only wanted macaroni. . Then on way home called at Lidl. I have spent a bomb but i wont have to go out for ages and ages now thank goodness. Well maybe for milk but thats it. I can always get my granddaughter to drop me a couple off. All the cupboards and the fridge and freezer are full now.

I hated going and wore my mask and rubber gloves cleansing my hands when i got back to the car. I have washed my hands over and over this afternoon when handling the shopping. I really am getting paranoid.

I am shattered now. Keep smiling and remember one day nearer the end.

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