You’re so vane....

You probably think this Blip is about you ...
Another day of this and that . The contractor in sowing barley in one if the fields ploughed yesterday and ploughing other fields ready to sow.
Kev on mucking out again while I did all the other things needing done . Littlemiss gave me a hand to bed cattle then we went to next door neighbour’s for more bales of hay. Never left the tractor cab so self isolation was complete. Did pass various walkers from the village who were closer together than 6 feet though .
The vanes on the fertiliser spreader have worn through and won’t be spreading evenly so took time to fit a ( very expensive for what they are ) new set that were delivered yesterday. Hopefully this will avoid any tell tale stripes and missed bits when I do the spring barley . And said stripes and missed bits always happen in a field next to the road where everyone can see them !

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