Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Day 9 of Lockdown UK

This is a highly edited image of me wearing the mask my Mum made for me when I have to leave the house to go and get our prescriptions.

I tried various ways of editing this image as it was one I’d just quickly taken to show my Mum how the mask fitted, and as it turned out to be the only image I’d taken today I thought I’d better edit it a bit to improve the way I looked, but soon realised after various edits that my eyes are not going to look any better. I’d never noticed before how sad my eyes look and unfortunately no amount of editing is going to change that.

I blame it on the worry, and stress of what’s going on around us, and the pain in my back which seems to have radiated to my side now (or unless that’s a completely new pain) which seems so petty compared to the suffering of others at the moment.

Can we all just please wake up from this nightmare now.

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