Return to the North

By Viking

Fresh air

Headed out for a walk down to the village haven this afternoon. Not really too much in the way of proper sunshine about but we did manage a bit of blue sky for a while so tried to make the most of it.

Managed to catch up on WhatsApp with some friends in the Highlands who are self isolating due to their age. They will be having a very interesting time of it. (Those of you who have followed my journal for years will know them all, J&M are like my second mum and dad and their big, boisterous family my second family) they have gone from having 1 daughter, 2 sons, 2 grown up grandsons, 2 small grandchildren and 2 sons/daughters in law) in and out of the house on a daily basis to being by themselves all of a sudden! Obviously WhatsApp, the phone and the suchlike are melting the fibres :-) but certainly an adjustment for them.

Miss them all like crazy but was good to catch up

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