Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Belton House

I had a fairly arduous journey at 10am this morning to get down to Belton House near Grantham. The wasn't a chance I'd let the snow put me off though: I had photographs to take.

The journey was well worth it. I managed to snap this towards the end of the day, but I came away with a camera full of great images to play with. Tonight I shall be mostly processing my images and steadily uploading small JPEGS to Facebook. However as always after a days shooting I'm hitting blip first with my favourite image.

In other news I feel energised and focused today. The last three weeks have been pretty tough, but walking around the beautiful grounds of the house today I realised that no matter what actually happens, it's feelings that are important.
Something felt special there for me today, I'm not sure if it was the beauty around me, but even though I'm back on my own at home I feel as connected to the world as I did three weeks and one day ago.

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